COO to Start-Ups, Small, and Mid-Market High Performance Operations™

Why I wrote High Performance Operations

Blog Posts

This first entry is what most first entries are supposed to do: welcome you to this blog.  Since the publication of this blog coincides with the publication of the book, High Performance Operations: Leverage Compliance to Lower Costs, Raise Profits, and Gain Competitive Advantage, I figured I’d explain how and why I ended up writing the book.

What you see behind me is my office.  This is where I “shoot” most of my blog entries, but I also shoot plenty of video from the field.  At conferences, clients, and even from my car.  Especially when the ideas are fresh in my mind and timely.  My entries are rarely polished, seldom rehearsed, and typically WYSIWYG.  Me. 

I try to keep my content to topics that impact what we’re trying to do, and, with this site, blog and the book, we’re trying to affect change.  We’re trying to help operations avoid having compliance issues drag them down in directions against their desired pursuits.  We do this through several aspects of lean and excellence. 

All things being equal, competing operations with similar market standings will end up fighting over a few percentage points in the noise.  We want to help operations stand apart from the crowd by operating at a level of performance their competition won’t try to reach.  One way to do this is to minimize, if not eliminate the burden of compliance on the operation.  It just so happens that what it takes to do this also has an immediate and long-lasting positive impact on the entire operation, compliance or otherwise.

I hope you join in the discussion and find value in your participation.


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